ScaleBlitzer | App for Practicing Scales & Arpeggios

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The sad, sad demise of ScaleBlitzer

This is a short blog to explain why such a great app ended up being obsolete. A tiny bit of background to start: In October 2012, after extensive writing, testing, developing, piloting and adjusting, and a HUGE monetary investment, Apple finally approved our ScaleBlitzer app – a tool for students to use to practice and […]


ScaleBlitzer Case Study – Sharon

I’m really excited to share this feedback from Sharon, one of our ScaleBlitzer customers. She kindly forwarded on an email she sent to her entire school – check out some the wonderful results the students have achieved: Hi everyone! This is an email to update you on what is happening with students with Scale Blitzer. […]

Introduction to ScaleBlitzer

Introduction to ScaleBlitzer Video

UPDATED: Latest video updated 23 April 2013 We are in the process of making a few short videos about ScaleBlitzer. Soon there will be a whole bunch of ‘how-to’ video tutorials on how to use it and get the best out of it, as well as testimonials from happy customers. For now here is a […]

ScaleBlitzer - start your practice

Bored with practising scales?

My husband and I have been developing the ScaleBlitzer app for almost a whole year now. It has been an incredible experience, getting our heads around all this new stuff! (Well, not so new for my husband, he is a total geek.) All the app does, essentially, is make kids want to practice their scales. […]

ScaleBlitzer - choose your activity

ScaleBlitzer is coming

As you may have read in previous newsletters, we recently ran a ‘Scales and Arpeggios Pilot Program’ which was a huge success. In this program, students tried out all sorts of fabulous practice methods for scales and arpeggios which helped their progress enormously.  These methods were devised by the wonderful Abe Cytrynowski, of Scalecards fame, […]